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Quality management

When aiming to establish a more sustainable world, we need to carefully manage the available resources. The better we protect our crops, the more efficiently we can nourish mankind.

The right product keeps produce just as fresh, firm and juicy at the end of a long storage period, as it was when it was harvested. It provides producers with a longer sales window, which allows them to get fresh produce to people from all walks of life. Customers get the best quality for the right price, while, at the same time, it helps make food less exclusive.

It also saves land and water, lowering the ecological footprint of everyone involved.

In a way, quality management sustains both our planet and the people inhabiting it.

Less food waste, same quality, more sustainability

An effective post-harvest product ensures fruit doesn't age and puts the ripening process on hold at a specific point in time. Doing so keeps the eating quality on point. The better the quality of the fruit end consumers receive, the less food waste. The less waste, the better for humankind and the environment.

Similarly, the right product extends the sales window. Fruit that stays fresh for a long period of time can be delivered throughout the year. Not depending on the default window allows farmers and retailers to deliver good quality products and sell them at a better price, thus increasing their return

Our sustainable products


FYSIUM® keeps fruit just as fresh, firm and juicy at the end of a long storage period as it was when it was harvested. Replacing a small molecule that triggers the aging process with 1-MCP,  delays the ripening . FYSIUM® also provides the essential link in the fruit-quality value chain, allowing you to offer the right amount of high-quality fruit at the right time and price.


Read all about FYSIUM®